Jashore English School & College (JESC)

Jashore Cantonment, Jashore

EIIN: 134057

Uniform of Students

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Uniform of Students

JESC has its own dress code for students which is called School Uniform. All English Medium Schools of Cantonments all over the country follow the same code. School Monogram, Name tag, Student ID, Bus Card are the parts of their dress. Students’ dress is seasonal:

Dress for summer.

Boys. From Nursery to Standard III Boys will wear white half shirt with shoulder epaulet and grey half pant in summer. Std IV onwards boys will wear full pant.

Girls. From Nursery to Standard III, girls will wear Grey Tunic with white half shirt and shoulder epaulet. Girls of Std IV onwards will wear grey frocks, white dopattas and white shalwars.

Dress for Winter. In winter, boys will wear full shirt and full trousers. From Nursery to Std III, girls will wear white tights. All students will wear red pullover.